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All posts tagged with “Clinical News | Art.”

KCAD grad Brianna L. Hernández explores intersection of art, death, and grief through prestigious Hyperallergic curatorial fellowship

06/28/24 at 03:00 AM

KCAD grad Brianna L. Hernández explores intersection of art, death, and grief through prestigious Hyperallergic curatorial fellowship Ferris State University, Grand Rapids, MI; 6/25/24 As Brianna L. Hernández grieved the loss of her mother, she understood she was not alone in the experience and her thoughts turned to helping others. Her work to share the experience has earned recognition. Hernández, a 2016 graduate of the Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University, was one of five people selected for the prestigious 2024 Emily H. Tremaine Journalism Fellowship for Curators ...  Every year, the fellowship offers five curators $5,000 to support their research while developing their journalistic skills. ... [Experiencing her mother's death] profoundly shifted her work toward a focus on death, and the living who are left behind to cope with loss. “As she was dying and right after she died, I knew I needed to make work about it for my own healing, but I also knew that my situation was not unique,” Hernández said. “I felt like it was of both artistic and social importance to put that out there in a way that hasn't been addressed.”

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The power of art in palliative care

05/07/24 at 03:00 AM

The power of art in palliative care InSight+, Melbourne, Australia; by Caitlin Wright; 5/6/24 ... Melbourne artist Jeffrey Kelson is known for his thought-provoking portraits, several of which have been exhibited at the Melbourne Holocaust Museum. He believes a portrait is a window into a subject’s heart and mind. However, after being diagnosed with late-stage pancreatic cancer, it wasn’t this style of art that Mr. Kelson was drawn to. As soon as he felt well enough to return to his studio, he started work on a series of colourful collages. “At one point, my wife came into the room and commented on how bright they were and how full of life force. She was surprised that I could create pieces that were so energetic when I felt so ill. I hadn’t really thought about it. I just needed to work,” he told InSight+. ... Palliative care specialist Dr Eric Fairbank was one of Mr Kelson’s art students for several years before Mr. Kelson’s diagnosis. He said Mr Kelson’s approach to his diagnosis has confirmed his belief that the best outcomes of cancer treatment are achieved when they’re complemented by the patient’s own resources of mind, will and spirit. [Click on the title's link to view several of his paintings.]

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'The Grief Lady:' NC woman uses mother's funeral flowers to create art, help others heal

04/19/24 at 03:00 AM

'The Grief Lady:' NC woman uses mother's funeral flowers to create art, help others heal WRAL News, Raleigh, NC; by Heather Leah; 4/18/24 Grief is a journey--and you never know for sure where it'll take you. When Janet Willis' mom passed away from small cell lung cancer in her 70s, Willis said she felt like she lost more than a mother; she lost a piece of herself. The loss launched her on a 100 day journey, creating art with the dried flower petals saved from her mother's funeral and sharing her grief experience with her followers. Each day she created a new piece of art – and each day it's as much a surprise for her as it is for her viewers. Editor's Note: Click on the title's link to view photos and read more of this inspiring story.

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Art made by hospice patients displayed at Poole Lighthouse

04/16/24 at 03:00 AM

Art made by hospice patients displayed at Poole Lighthouse Yahoo! News, by Erin Rhodes, United Kingdom; 4/15/24 More than 200 pieces of art made by patients at a Dorset hospice charity have been displayed at the Lighthouse in Poole [United Kingdom]. The artworks have been made by patients with life-limiting illnesses at Lewis-Manning Hospice Care’s hubs across Poole and east Dorset. Creative Art is one of the services the charity provides to support patients’ wellbeing and mental health. 

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