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All posts tagged with “Hospice Provider News | Orgs NHPCO NAHC NPHI etc.”

NAHC, NHPCO to merge, Dombi to retire

05/30/24 at 03:00 AM

NAHC, NHPCO to merge, Dombi to retire McKnights Home Care; by Adam Healy; 5/23/24 The National Association for Home Care & Hospice and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization are on track to begin merging by July. In a related development, NAHC’s president William Dombi disclosed that he intends to retire by the end of 2024. “Both boards have authorized an affiliation agreement; it’s fully drafted,” Ken Albert, chair of NAHC’s board of directors, told McKnight’s Home Care Daily Pulse in an interview. “We’re looking to transition July 1 of this year. The transition board has been selected. I’ll serve as chair of that transition board; [NHPCO board chair] Melinda Gruber will serve as vice chair. Board members have been identified, and then that next six months from July to December will kind of be the operational integration. We’re in the process of recruiting a new CEO right now, and then all the tech-side, the backend, office-end, that’s going on right now.” Albert added that neither Bill Dombi or Ben Marcantonio, NHPCO’s chief executive officer, would be eligible to lead the new organization.

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NHPCO speaks out on 2025 Proposed Medicare Hospice Rates

05/30/24 at 02:30 AM

NHPCO speaks out on 2025 Proposed Medicare Hospice Rates Hospice News; by Jim Parker; 5/28/24 The proposed 2.6% payment increase for hospices is insufficient in today’s economic climate, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) indicated in comments on the 2025 proposed payment rule. ... [Read more for multiple issues addressed.] ... For 2025, the hospice industry group also asked CMS to reconsider the proposed payment rate based on more recent data. ... “It is important to note that hospices, unlike certain other provider types, are at the mercy of these rate updates with no means to address inaccuracies in the market basket forecast. This results in payment rates that are not accurately aligned with the costs faced by hospice providers,” NHPCO indicated. 

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