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All posts tagged with “Clinical News | Dementia Care News.”

Fall prevention for the elderly: 13 strategies to keep them safe

03/29/24 at 03:00 AM

Fall prevention for the elderly: 13 strategies to keep them safe U.S. News & World Report, by Claire Wolters, ed. by Christine Comizion, MPH; 3/26/24Falls are the leading cause of injury in adults 65 and older – with reports showing about 14 million adults fall each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ... According to the CDC, falls are also the leading cause of injury-related death in the 65-and-older population – and the fall death rate is growing.Here's what to know about what increases risk for falls in older adults, and get familiar with fall prevention tips and safety measures that can help reduce the risk.Editor's Note: This U.S. News article primes the pump. Preventing falls matters especially for vulnerable hospice patients as their disease progresses, and as they and/or family want the person to be as mobile as possible. What do your Incident Reports tell you about falls? What falls-specific education do you provide for your interdisciplinary teams? On-call staff? Family caregivers? Volunteers? What QAPI programs have addressed falls? 

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Alzheimer’s deaths expected to grow and industry not prepared with workers, report shows

03/28/24 at 02:00 AM

Alzheimer’s deaths expected to grow and industry not prepared with workers, report show Journal-News, by Samantha Wildow; 3/26/24The number of Alzheimer’s deaths in the U.S. more than doubled between 2000 and 2021, the Alzheimer’s Association says in its latest report, which details how about half of health care workers say their industry is not fully equipped to handle the growing population of people with dementia. ... Multiple factors play into why deaths to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia are increasing, including how the health care system is getting better at treating other things like heart disease and cancer, one local doctor said.

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What is the FAST scale for Alzheimer's?

03/27/24 at 02:00 AM

What is the FAST scale for Alzheimer's?MedicalNewsToday, by Charlotte Lillis and medically reviewed by Shilpa Amin, MD, CAQ, FAAFP; 3/25/24The Reisberg Functional Assessment Screening Tool (FAST) is a scale that doctors use to diagnose and evaluate aspects of Alzheimer’s disease. ... This article provides an overview of the FAST tool, including a breakdown of its individual stages. It also outlines what to expect from the FAST evaluation, what the scale means for hospice care, and more.

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My Mother is in Hospice Care

03/26/24 at 02:30 AM

My Mother is in Hospice Care Reformed Journal, by Doug Browser; 3/25/24 My 96-year-old mother entered hospice care a few months ago. For a while, it seemed as though she would go on forever, even though we knew that was unlikely. ... [Here’s] the thing, maybe the most striking thing I’ve learned while sitting with my mom over these last few months. Loss of memory can sometimes be a gift. ... I realize that there can be a kind of grace in not remembering a few things. ... We don’t have to go back and revisit any of it. We have this time together. ... And together we are a mom and a son, present in the moment, a moment with a surprising amount of grace. I never expected to get there.

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Report: Alzheimer's and dementia caregivers total 840K in Florida, bear heavy burden

03/25/24 at 03:00 AM

Report: Alzheimer's and dementia caregivers total 840K in Florida, bear heavy burden NPR WMFE, by Joe Byrnes; 3/22/24The number of Floridians serving as caregivers for people with Alzheimer's and other dementias is an estimated 840,000, an increase of 13,000 in just one year, according to an annual report from the Alzheimer's Association. Caregiving takes a toll on families hit by the degenerative brain disease, but a new program from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services could lessen that burden. ... [This] promising resource in the works is the Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience Model, an approach that includes the patient and caregiver. The GUIDE Model -- through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services -- starts in July. 

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Facing dementia: clarifying end-of-life choices, supporting better lives

03/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Facing dementia: clarifying end-of-life choices, supporting better lives EurekAlert!, by The Hastings Center; 3/11/24A new Hastings Center special report considers how America’s aging society responds to the needs and concerns of people facing dementia. ... Three essays reconsider familiar ways of thinking and talking about decision-making and care concerning people nearing the end of life to better reflect the needs and concerns of people facing dementia. For example, “Too Soon or Too Late: Rethinking the Significance of Six Months When Dementia Is a Primary Diagnosis” takes a critical look at the “six-month rule.”

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Digital ‘communication bridge’ for seniors with aphasia is $13M closer to reality

03/08/24 at 03:00 AM

Digital ‘communication bridge’ for seniors with aphasia is $13M closer to reality McKnights Senior Living; by Aaron Dorman; 3/5/24 An upcoming research program will examine the potential for telehealth and wearable sensors to address a specific and nasty form of aphasia. The University of Chicago was awarded $13.2 million by the National Institutes of Health to study the disease, as part of its five-year Communication Bridge Research Program. The university recently announced the grant windfall and has begun reaching out to potential participants for a clinical trial.  

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Apparently healthy, but diagnosed with Alzheimer’s?

03/07/24 at 02:00 AM

Apparently healthy, but diagnosed with Alzheimer’s?The New York Times, by Paula Span; 3/4/24 New criteria could lead to a dementia diagnosis on the basis of a simple blood test, even in the absence of obvious symptoms.

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Opinion: How death can be the chance to serve others

03/05/24 at 03:00 AM

Opinion: How death can be the chance to serve others WAtoday, by Annie Whitlock; 3/3/24 I see my death as an opportunity to serve others ... . A few years ago, I offered my corpse to the department of anatomy and physiology at the University of Melbourne. The university co-ordinates a body donor program for the purposes of anatomical examination and the precious teaching and study of anatomy to its medical students. ... To the medical students who will be learning from my body I gave the department the following letter: I give you my body. ... Learn from me this one last time. So my organs, flesh and scars tell of times and outcomes that in death I cannot utter any more. ...

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Medicare’s new Dementia GUIDE Model: How can physicians, hospices, and home health agencies participate?

03/05/24 at 03:00 AM

Medicare’s new Dementia GUIDE Model: How can physicians, hospices, and home health agencies participate? Morgan Lewis Blog Post; 3/1/24If you have had a loved one suffer from dementia, you know the emotional, physical, and financial toll of this terrible disease. With advancements in dementia treatment, however, there is renewed hope on addressing this disease and increasing emphasis on fostering innovative care models. A central pillar of this effort is the Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) model, announced by the US Department of Health and Human Service’s Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in July 2023. This initiative—a new voluntary, nationwide alternative payment model—is designed to support Medicare beneficiaries with dementia, as well as their caregivers.

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Facing dementia: Clarifying end-of-life choices, supporting better lives

03/01/24 at 03:00 AM

Facing dementia: Clarifying end-of-life choices, supporting better lives The Hastings Center; 2/28/24The report includes 10 recommendations for policymakers, research funders, clinical and legal practitioners, and professional societies. ... “Facing Dementia: Clarifying End-of-Life Choices, Supporting Better Lives” is the major product of a Hastings Center research project, codirected by Hastings senior research scholar Nancy Berlinger and President Emerita Mildred Z. Solomon. 

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How to help elderly parents from a distance: Tech can ease logistical, emotional burden

03/01/24 at 03:00 AM

How to help elderly parents from a distance: Tech can ease logistical, emotional burden USA Today, by Marc Ramirez; 2/28/24 As a neuropsychologist trained in developing technology for cognitively impaired older adults, Alyssa Weakley’s research at the University of California, Davis, made her acutely aware of the challenges of long-distance caregiving. ... Soon, she and her family found themselves in a position shared by nearly 6 million other Americans, acting as caregivers from a complicated and often distressing distance. According to a 2020 AARP report, long-distance caregivers represent more than 1 in 10 of the country’s estimated 53 million family caregivers, meaning they live an hour or more from their care recipient; on average, they live about 450 miles away. Editor's Note: What systems do you have in place to communicate with and support family members who live long-distance, who never have the opportunity to meet with any hospice team members in person? 

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Study gives credence to range of dementia caregiver decision tools

02/28/24 at 03:00 AM

Study gives credence to range of dementia caregiver decision toolsMcKnights Home Care, by Kristen Fischer; 2/27/24A new study analyzes some evidence-backed tools to help substitute decision-makers make choices to honor an individual’s medical, personal and end-of-life wishes. ... Substitute decision-makers are family members or friends of older adults who cannot speak for themselves (such as those with dementia). Data from the study, which was published on Saturday in Journal of the American Society of Geriatrics, was derived from 25 articles published between 2003 and 2022. 

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Hospices see growth opportunities with physician offices, memory care

02/20/24 at 03:00 AM

Hospices see growth opportunities with physician offices, memory careHospice News, by Holly Vossel; 2/16/24Hospice providers are increasingly focused on memory care settings and physician offices as referral sources. ... Physician offices were identified among the most significant referral growth opportunities in 2024 by about 6% of 143 respondents to Hospice News’ 2024 Outlook Survey, conducted with Homecare Homebase. Meanwhile, 7% reported that their hospice organizations saw memory care settings as a significant referral source.

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ChatGPT analyzes speech patterns to identify Alzheimer’s 87 percent of the time, researchers show

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

ChatGPT analyzes speech patterns to identify Alzheimer’s 87 percent of the time, researchers showMcKnight's Senior Living, by Aaron Dorman; 2/9/24Since ChatGPT went live roughly 15 months ago, researchers have been studying whether artificial intelligence tools can be used to treat or predict Alzheimer’s... One of the main symptoms of dementia, even at earlier stages, is confusion or speech difficulties... ChatGPT was able to correctly identify Alzheimer’s 87% of the time, a new study shows.

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4 recent advancements in Alzheimer's disease care

02/12/24 at 03:10 AM

4 recent advancements in Alzheimer's disease careBecker's Hospital Review, by Ashleigh Hollowell; 2/6/24Alzheimer's disease research in the last year has expanded, promising clinicians in the field and patients experiencing the condition more accurate detection tests, new treatment possibilities and research to fuel further advancements in care. ... For four of the most recent updates in care and detention, [click on the title's link, above].

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Study highlights financial burden of dementia on older adults, families

02/09/24 at 03:00 AM

Study highlights financial burden of dementia on older adults, familiesGeorgia State University - School of Public Health, by Sam Fahmy; 2/7/24A team of researchers from the Georgia State University School of Public Health, the University of Washington School of Pharmacy and the University of California San Francisco analyzed data from a national sample of more than 4,500 adults aged 70 and older to arrive at what are thought to be the first comparisons of out-of-pocket expenses by dementia status and care setting. The researchers found that the median adult with dementia in residential facilities such as assisted living centers spent 97% of their monthly income on long-term care. People with dementia in nursing homes spent nearly 83% of their monthly income on long-term care.

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New paths could allow medical aid in dying for people with dementia

02/09/24 at 03:00 AM

New paths could allow medical aid in dying for people with dementia McKnight's Long-Term Care News, by Kristen Fischer; 2/7/24A lot of people who have dementia want to use medical aid in dying (MAID) to end their lives before they lose their decision-making capacity and other abilities. This hasn’t been allowed up until now but that could soon change, which could have implications for physicians, according to a new report. 

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Transforming value-based dementia care—Implications for the GUIDE Model

02/07/24 at 04:00 AM

Transforming value-based dementia care—Implications for the GUIDE ModelJAMA Intern. Med; by Tarun Ramesh; Kushal Kadakia, MS; Lidia Moura, MD, MPH, PhD; 2/5/24Dementia disproportionately affects older adults and represents an increasingly difficult population health and financial challenge for Medicare. Annual spending for Medicare beneficiaries with dementia is approximately 3 times higher than that for patients without dementia, with excess costs attributable to substantial fragmentation across the care journey. Patients with dementia experience polypharmacy and frequent hospitalizations and require careful coordination across multiple specialty health care professionals with support from unpaid caregivers. However, traditional fee-for-service (FFS) payment models may not adequately support costly medical and social needs for patients with dementia and their unpaid caregivers.Editor's Note: Full access requires subscription or other online library access to JAMA.

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10% of people with dementia may actually have different disease, research suggests

02/06/24 at 04:00 AM

10% of people with dementia may actually have different disease, research suggestsBecker's Clinical Leadership, by Ashleigh Hollowell; 2/1/24Certain cases of dementia — potentially up to 10% — could instead be undiagnosed liver disease and related neurological issues, according to a study published Jan. 31 in JAMA. Additionally, researchers believe that the 10% of undiagnosed liver disease and brain dysfunction could possibly be resolved with treatment. For the study, researchers analyzed a decade of data — spanning 2009 to 2019 — from 177,422 veterans who had a diagnosis of dementia, and looked for a high Fibrosis-4 score, which is a sign of advanced liver fibrosis that can lead to cirrhosis.

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Study testing new strategy for spotting, managing pain in dementia patients

02/05/24 at 04:04 AM

Study testing new strategy for spotting, managing pain in dementia patients McKnights Long-Term Care News, by Kimberly Marselas; 2/1/24Up to 80% of dementia patients living in nursing homes also experience pain, but many struggle to communicate their symptoms. A new, $2.1 million study aims to test recently revised guidelines for staff members tasked with detecting and managing that pain. ... Barbara Resnick, PhD, RN, professor and associate dean for research at the University of Maryland School of Nursing, will lead the project at 12 nursing homes over the next five years.

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Alabama agencies get new resources for dementia care amid 'great void' in services

02/05/24 at 03:45 AM

Alabama agencies get new resources for dementia care amid 'great void' in servicesAlabama Reflector, by Alander Rocha; 1/31/24In a meeting of the Interagency Council for the Prevention of Elder Abuse on Tuesday, Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS) Commissioner Jean W. Brown said the department is “awash in money to just go where we’ve never gone before in dementia services and dementia care.” ... According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Alabama in 2021 had the second highest mortality rate from Alzheimer’s disease, behind only Mississippi, at 46.8 per 100,000 people. 

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These sisters help families donate brains to science

02/05/24 at 03:30 AM

These sisters help families donate brains to scienceBrain&Life; 2/2/24Tish Hevel, 65, talks about the Brain Donor Project, a nonprofit group she and her sister, Annie McManis, 54, established after their father died of Lewy body dementia. ... "Our father was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia in 2014. In researching the disease, we kept reading about brain donation. Our father had always wanted to donate his body, so we knew he would want to donate his brain as well. And we knew scientists needed tissue. But the process of donating was complicated."

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Odds for dementia nearly triple in the year after a stroke

02/05/24 at 03:00 AM

Odds for dementia nearly triple in the year after a strokeHealth Day, by Ernie Mundell; 2/1/24A person's odds for a dementia diagnosis nearly triple in the first year after a stroke, new research shows. This post-stroke spike in dementia risk does subside with time, but it never returns to pre-stroke levels, the same report found. "Our findings reinforce the importance of monitoring people with stroke for cognitive decline," said lead researcher Dr. Raed Joundi. 

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Timely dementia diagnosis, specialized long-term care limited for members of minority groups: study

02/02/24 at 04:00 AM

Timely dementia diagnosis, specialized long-term care limited for members of minority groups: studyMcKnights Senior Living, by Kimberly Bonvissuto; 2/1/24Researchers from University of California-Davis Health and Oregon Health & Science University said that members of minority groups fall victim to systemic oppression that leads to a higher risk of hospitalization and more aggressive life-sustaining treatment in end-of-life care. Their research, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, analyzed 71 studies between 2000 and 2022 that examined healthcare access and quality for people living with dementia and their caregivers.

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