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All posts tagged with “Regulatory News.”

The Joint Commission: 2024 Behavioral Health Care National Patient Safety Goals

02/20/24 at 03:00 AM

The Joint Commission: 2024 Behavioral Health Care National Patient Safety Goals

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Reduced federal share may force state Medicaid programs to cut services, HCBS expert says

02/20/24 at 02:00 AM

Reduced federal share may force state Medicaid programs to cut services, HCBS expert saysMcKnights Home Care, by Adam Healy; 2/15/24The Congressional Budget Office this month released its “Budget and Economic Outlook” report for the coming decade. In its report, CBO predicted a roughly $58 billion drop in federal Medicaid outlays for 2024 compared to 2023 — a 9% decrease in federal Medicaid spending, due in part to fewer beneficiaries on states’ Medicaid rolls. Reduced Medicaid outlays ... has placed an even greater strain on states to pay for these Medicaid programs, according to Damon Terzaghi, director of Medicaid HCBS for the National Association for Home Care & Hospice.

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NC Medicaid rolls grow by 1,000 people a day as smooth expansion rollout continues its third month

02/19/24 at 03:00 AM

NC Medicaid rolls grow by 1,000 people a day as smooth expansion rollout continues its third monthNC Health News, by Jamie Baxley; 2/15/24When North Carolina launched Medicaid expansion on Dec. 1, state officials said the measure would provide health insurance to an estimated 600,000 low-income adults over a span of two years. It took just two months to reach 58 percent of that goal. More than 346,400 newly eligible beneficiaries have been approved for coverage as of Feb. 1, according to data from the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services.

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CMS issues additional guidance on program to allow people with Medicare to pay out-of-pocket prescription drug costs in monthly payments

02/19/24 at 02:30 AM

CMS issues additional guidance on program to allow people with Medicare to pay out-of-pocket prescription drug costs in monthly; 2/15/24The Inflation Reduction Act’s Medicare Prescription Payment Plan will allow people to pay Medicare Part D out-of-pocket costs over the course of the year starting in 2025. [On February 15th,] the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the second part of draft guidance for the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan that outlines requirements for Medicare Part D plan sponsors, including outreach and education requirements, pharmacy processes, and operational considerations, for the program’s first year, 2025. 

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Medicare program; strengthening oversight of Accrediting Organizations (AOs) and preventing AO Conflict of Interest, and related provisions

02/19/24 at 02:00 AM

Medicare program; strengthening oversight of Accrediting Organizations (AOs) and preventing AO Conflict of Interest, and related provisionsFederal Register, Proposed Rule by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; 2/15/24This proposed rule would set forth a number of provisions to strengthen the oversight of accrediting organizations (AOs) by addressing conflicts of interest, establishing consistent standards, processes and definitions, and updating the validation and performance standards systems. Additionally, this proposed rule would revise the psychiatric hospital survey process, add a limitation on terminated deemed providers and suppliers when reentering the program, and provides technical corrections for End-Stage Renal Disease facilities and Kidney Transplant Programs.

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Private equity Medicare Advantage investment slumps: report

02/15/24 at 03:00 AM

Private equity Medicare Advantage investment slumps: reportModern Healthcare, by Nona Tepper; 2/13/24Private equity investment in Medicare Advantage has declined in recent years amid rising interest rates and an unfavorable regulatory environment, according to a report the Private Equity Stakeholder Project published Tuesday.

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Medicare Advantage provider, benefit cuts may follow rate reduction

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Medicare Advantage provider, benefit cuts may follow rate reductionModern Healthcare, by Nona Tepper; 2/6/24Medicare Advantage insurers are likely to respond to a modest rate cut next year by adjusting premiums, benefits, provider reimbursements and other factors to emphasize profitability, financial analysts said. Although the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has downplayed the effects of its proposed 0.16% reduction in the Medicare Advantage benchmark rate for 2025, the rule issued last Wednesday is the latest in a string of policies that has Medicare insurers and their investors wary about the program.

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Aetna forecasts higher Medicare Advantage costs

02/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Aetna forecasts higher Medicare Advantage costsModern Healthcare, by Lauren Berryman; 2/7/24CVS Health has downgraded its 2024 earnings guidance as its Aetna health insurance subsidiary contends with higher-than-expected Medicare Advantage costs and a looming federal rate cut, the company announced Wednesday.

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Molina joins chorus reporting Medicare Advantage challenges

02/12/24 at 03:10 AM

Molina joins chorus reporting Medicare Advantage challengesModern Healthcare, by Nona Tepper; 2/8/24

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CMS proposes to increase accrediting organization oversight

02/12/24 at 03:05 AM

CMS proposes to increase accrediting organization oversightModern Healthcare, by Mari Devereaux; 2/9/24The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed Thursday to crack down on accrediting organizations following concerns of biased, inconsistent survey results and conflicts of interest. The proposed rule would strengthen CMS’ oversight of accrediting bodies and mandate the organizations reduce conflicts of interest with healthcare facilities, including by limiting fee-based consulting services. The proposal also would standardize accrediting organizations' survey processes.

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California Hospice Network: State falls short in curbing potential malfeasance

02/12/24 at 03:00 AM

California Hospice Network: State falls short in curbing potential malfeasanceHospice News, by Jim Parker; 2/8/24The continued licensing of new hospices in California despite a moratorium is “deeply disturbing and frustrating,” the California Hospice Network (CHN) indicated in a statement. The practice is undermining efforts to combat hospice fraud, which has been rampant in California according to media and state government investigations. In 2021, the state enacted two hospice reform laws  — Senate Bill 664 and Assembly Bill 1280 — designed to strengthen oversight, including a moratorium on new licenses and an extensive audit of California’s licensing and oversight processes.

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Medicare threatens to pull funding from HCA’s embattled Mission Hospital

02/09/24 at 04:00 AM

Medicare threatens to pull funding from HCA’s embattled Mission HospitalSTAT, by Tara Bannow; 2/6/24Five years after investor-owned HCA Healthcare took over an esteemed nonprofit hospital in North Carolina, Medicare is threatening to cut off payment for any services it provides seniors. The rare and dramatic move follows a Medicare revelation that patient safety is in “immediate jeopardy” at Mission Hospital in Asheville. That designation is the most severe the agency can hand out. HCA has just a few weeks to fix the problems or lose its Medicare funding.

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Hospices & skilled nursing facilities: Report all managing employees

02/09/24 at 03:00 AM

Hospices & Skilled Nursing Facilities: Report All Managing EmployeesCMS: mlnconnects; 2/8/24CMS recently clarified that hospice and skilled nursing facility medical directors and administrators are always considered managing employees for Medicare provider enrollment purposes. You must report all current managing employees. If you haven’t reported a medical director or administrator, report them now. See the Medicare Program Integrity Manual: CY 2024 Home Health Prospective Payment System Updates (PDF) MLN Matters Article for more information.

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Concurrent Medicare hospice & curative care improves quality & reduces costs 13%

02/09/24 at 03:00 AM

Concurrent Medicare hospice & curative care improves quality & reduces costs 13%Open Minds; 2/7/24Medicare beneficiaries with terminal health conditions who participated in the Medicare Care Choices Model (MCCM), received high quality care at a 13% lower cost compared to similar beneficiaries who did not receive the MCCM services. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) tested this new model as an option for Medicare beneficiaries to receive supportive care services while continuing to receive services for their terminal condition.

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Medicare Advantage in the headlines: 9 recent updates

02/09/24 at 02:30 AM

Medicare Advantage in the headlines: 9 recent updatesBecker's Payer Issues, by Rylee Wilson; 1/30/24Challenges loom for Medicare Advantage in 2024, with payers reporting rising medical costs and lower growth expectations for the year. [Click on the title's link for] nine Medicare Advantage updates Becker's has reported since Jan. 22.

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Government warns Medicare Advantage insurers not to deny care based on AI

02/09/24 at 02:00 AM

Government warns Medicare Advantage insurers not to deny care based on AI STAT, by Casey Ross and Bob Herman; 2/7/24In recent months, the federal government has repeatedly told Medicare Advantage insurers that they cannot use artificial intelligence or algorithms to deny medical services the government routinely covers. But in finalizing a rule to that effect, it also stepped into a thicket of questions from insurers about a technology that is especially difficult to pin down: What is AI? Can it be used at all to make decisions about the coverage of older patients? If so, how?

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CMS seeks input on Medicare Advantage transparency policy

02/08/24 at 03:00 AM

CMS seeks input on Medicare Advantage transparency policyModern Healthcare, by Alison Bennett; 1/25/24The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services wants public input to guide possible future regulations to mandate greater transparency from Medicare Advantage plans, according to a request for information issued Thursday. The agency has sought to shed more light on Medicare Advantage operations and finances in recent years and required insurers to reveal information in areas such as medical loss ratio calculations, prior authorization processes, supplemental benefits and health equity.

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Medicare Advantage plans face new rate cut under CMS proposal

02/08/24 at 03:00 AM

Medicare Advantage plans face new rate cut under CMS proposalModern Healthcare, by Nona Tepper; 1/31/24The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is calling for another reduction in the Medicare Advantage base payment rate, which could further challenge health insurers struggling with rising costs. Under a proposed rule issued Wednesday, the Medicare Advantage benchmark would be 0.16% less in calendar 2025 than under current policy, excluding risk adjustment, and would mark a second consecutive year of a lower benchmark rate. The agency plans to finalize the rule by April 1.

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Palmetto Hospice updates and review webinar: February 13, 2024

02/06/24 at 04:00 AM

Palmetto Hospice updates and review webinar: February 13, 2024Press release; 2/5/24Webinar 2/13/24 @ 1:00 PM ET. Please click here to register for this webinar session. This session is designed to provide insight for your Hospice agency staff. During this session, a representative will provide Hospice Billing Updates, Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) Model information, 2024 Final Rule Summary and other helpful information and tips.

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Medicare Advantage profitability on the decline, Moody's finds

02/06/24 at 04:00 AM

Medicare Advantage profitability on the decline, Moody's findsHealthcare Finance, by Jeff Lagasse; 2/2/24A significant spike in utilization is putting cost pressure on insureres, which will likely affect earnings. While Medicare Advantage remains attractive to the healthcare industry due to strong growth, high revenue and earnings per member, profitability is on the decline, according to a new analysis by Moody's Investor Service.

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CMS proposes Medicare Advantage rate cut

02/06/24 at 04:00 AM

CMS proposes Medicare Advantage rate cutBecker's Payer Issues, by Rylee Wilson; 1/31/24CMS proposed a slight decrease in Medicare Advantage benchmark payments for 2025. The agency issued its proposed 2025 rate notice Jan. 31, cutting benchmark payments by 0.2% on average. Risk model revision will amount to a 2.45% decline in revenue, according to a fact sheet issued by the agency. Plans should expect to see 3.7% higher revenue overall, with an MA risk score trend of 3.86% — the average increase in risk adjustment payments year over year — offsetting risk model revisions and a projected decline in star rating bonuses.

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'A monumental shift': Home health providers believe review choice demonstration is here to stay

02/05/24 at 04:00 AM

Review choice demonstration is here to stayHome Health Care News, by Patrick Filbin; 2/1/24The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has been tight-lipped about its Review Choice Demonstration (RCD) plans beyond May 2024. However, industry leaders believe RCD will be extended across the country on a more permanent basis — a development that agency leaders should recognize as a momentum shifting change. “We’re seeing a monumental shift in home health care and how we actually operate,” Kim Gaffey, founder and CEO of Gaffey Home Nursing and Hospice, said during a webinar Thursday. 

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Has Medicare Advantage lost its luster?

01/31/24 at 04:00 AM

Has Medicare Advantage lost its luster?Becker's Payer Issues, by Rylee Wilson; 1/29/24Though Medicare Advantage enrollment keeps climbing, the program may not have the profitability it once did for insurers. In a January analysis shared with Becker's, Moody's analysts wrote that the program "seems to be losing some of its luster," facing a significant increase in medical costs and lower reimbursement rates from CMS. Earnings in Medicare Advantage shrunk by 2.1% among the insurers Moody's rated from 2019 to 2022, despite premiums and members growing by 40% in the same time period.

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It is going to be a bad year (or more) for the Medicare business

01/31/24 at 04:00 AM

It is going to be a bad year (or more) for the Medicare businessWall Street Journal, by David Wainer; 1/25/24America’s seniors are going to keep up their elevated use of the medical system throughout the year. That is the message from Humana’s earnings release on Thursday, which is sending stocks of insurance giants sliding.

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‘Crying wolf’ or dying breed? Incentives often ignore plight of rural skilled nursing operators

01/30/24 at 04:00 AM

‘Crying wolf’ or dying breed? Incentives often ignore plight of rural skilled nursing operatorsMcKnights Long-Term Care News, by Kimberly Marselas; 1/29/24As hundreds of nursing homes have shuttered in the last few years, the very strategies meant to prop up the sector have often left the most isolated, resource-strapped facilities with nothing gained. Several new federal payment models and insurance programs are designed to allow skilled nursing providers to take on financial risk, tap into new revenue streams or access additional staffing and clinical resources.

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