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All posts tagged with “General News | Death Café News.”

KCAD grad Brianna L. Hernández explores intersection of art, death, and grief through prestigious Hyperallergic curatorial fellowship

06/28/24 at 03:00 AM

KCAD grad Brianna L. Hernández explores intersection of art, death, and grief through prestigious Hyperallergic curatorial fellowship Ferris State University, Grand Rapids, MI; 6/25/24 As Brianna L. Hernández grieved the loss of her mother, she understood she was not alone in the experience and her thoughts turned to helping others. Her work to share the experience has earned recognition. Hernández, a 2016 graduate of the Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University, was one of five people selected for the prestigious 2024 Emily H. Tremaine Journalism Fellowship for Curators ...  Every year, the fellowship offers five curators $5,000 to support their research while developing their journalistic skills. ... [Experiencing her mother's death] profoundly shifted her work toward a focus on death, and the living who are left behind to cope with loss. “As she was dying and right after she died, I knew I needed to make work about it for my own healing, but I also knew that my situation was not unique,” Hernández said. “I felt like it was of both artistic and social importance to put that out there in a way that hasn't been addressed.”

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It’s your funeral! How to plan ahead for the best party you’ll never attend

06/20/24 at 03:00 AM

It’s your funeral! How to plan ahead for the best party you’ll never attend The Guardian; by Doosie Morris; 6/14/24 Years before the indomitable Joan Rivers died in 2014 she immortalised hopes for her own farewell in her memoir. ... The rise in so-called “death positivity”, along with the mortal reality check wreaked on us by the pandemic, has helped to reframe death as a part of life for many of us. Taboos around discussing death are breaking down and planning your own funeral is increasingly considered as responsible as writing a will. ... While the latest Australian Funeral Industry report found less than one in five Australians have actually planned their own funeral, a definite vibe shift is occurring and 90% of people say they want to. ... “When people say ‘I don’t want a funeral’ I remind them it’s not actually for them,” Griffith says. “You might think you’re doing your loved ones a favour, but you are actually denying everyone who needs somewhere to put their grief.” ...

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A Review of "Heartwood: The Art of Living with the End in Mind" by Barbara Becker

05/17/24 at 03:00 AM

A Review of "Heartwood: The Art of Living with the End in Mind" by Barbara Becker CU Anschutz; by Darcy Campbell, AGNP-D, ACHPN; 5/14/24 This year, one of our [small group] readings was the book, Heartwood; The Art of Living with the End in Mind, by interfaith pastor Barbara Becker. The book is composed of small vignettes from her life that explore death and dying. Many of her experiences as a hospice volunteer are captured as well. Her book was to be about death, but she learned that in writing about death she really explored what it means to live. Heartwood is the inner core of a tree. While dead it does not decay as it is supported by the outer living rings of the tree. Becker, describes Heartwood as the ideal metaphor for our life, “where life and death cannot exist separately from each other.” ... Working in palliative care, we too are forced to look at our own mortality.

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Death Cafes: Where people talk mortality over tea and cake

04/23/24 at 03:00 AM

Death Cafes: Where people talk mortality over tea and cake The Week UK, by Chas Newkey-Burdent; 4/18/24 Once a month, in countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, people are gathering to eat cake and talk about the typically taboo topic of death. At Death Cafes, said Emma Freud in The Times, people with a range of interests in the subject come together to discuss "the end of life experience in any of its forms,"  ... After joining a Death Cafe in Willesden, northwest London, Gaby Wine wrote in The Jewish Chronicle that it was "heart-warming" that "while not everyone agrees with one another, everyone shows great respect."

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Death Cafes in Duluth aim to make end of life something more normal to talk about

03/14/24 at 03:00 AM

Death Cafes in Duluth aim to make end of life something more normal to talk about ABC WDIO; 3/11/24 Talking about death can be difficult and daunting. A Duluth woman who’s an estate attorney wants to change that. Amy Kuronen just hosted her first Death Cafe. Nine people attended, and it was an open ended conversation without an agenda. ... It’s not a grief support group, although you can mention your grief. It’s more about connecting and sharing. Editor's Note: Are you aware of Death Cafes in your area? Do their representatives have relevant information about your hospice and palliative care services?

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Moving beyond death anxiety to reflections on mortality

01/17/24 at 04:00 AM

Moving beyond death anxiety to reflections on mortalityPsychology Today, by Shoba Sreenivasan and Linda E. Weinberger, reviewed by Lybi Ma; 1/15/24For the healthy, it may be considered macabre to contemplate their mortality; it may seem fatalistic, negative, and something that pulls one away from the present joy of living today. Yet, it can also remind us of the inevitable and consider how we want to spend today as well as whatever time we have left.

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