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All posts tagged with “Editor Picks.”

Celebrating the 238 We Honor Veterans Hospice programs!

06/02/24 at 03:05 AM

Celebrating the 238 We Honor Veterans Hospice programs!

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How to become a great boss

05/12/24 at 03:00 AM

How to become a great bossBy Jeffrey J. Fox; 2002The Great Boss Simple Success Formula:

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Transitional Bridges offers compassionate alternative to plastic belongings bags

05/03/24 at 03:00 AM

Transitional Bridges offers compassionate alternative to plastic belongings bagsABC 8 News, Richmond, VA; by EIN Presswire; 4/30/24Transitional Bridges, a San Diego-based nonprofit focused on inspiring compassion and improving end-of-life care through art, has created Transitional Belongings Bags, a compassionate and eco-friendly alternative to the plastic bags hospitals use to hand over belongings to loved ones after a patient has died. The concept was first introduced 17 years ago by the Irish Hospice Foundation Hospice Friendly Hospitals Program to promote dignity and sensitivity when returning a loved one’s possessions to bereaved family and friends. ... Lorene Morris, the founder and president of Transitional Bridges, became inspired to bring the movement to the U.S. after her mother, an artist, died unexpectedly from postoperative complications. When the family was handed their mother's possessions in two large, clear plastic bags, Morris recalls, “I felt like the whole world could see those intimate items. It was just so wrong.”

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'The Grief Lady:' NC woman uses mother's funeral flowers to create art, help others heal

04/19/24 at 03:00 AM

'The Grief Lady:' NC woman uses mother's funeral flowers to create art, help others heal WRAL News, Raleigh, NC; by Heather Leah; 4/18/24 Grief is a journey--and you never know for sure where it'll take you. When Janet Willis' mom passed away from small cell lung cancer in her 70s, Willis said she felt like she lost more than a mother; she lost a piece of herself. The loss launched her on a 100 day journey, creating art with the dried flower petals saved from her mother's funeral and sharing her grief experience with her followers. Each day she created a new piece of art – and each day it's as much a surprise for her as it is for her viewers. Editor's Note: Click on the title's link to view photos and read more of this inspiring story.

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Poem: I knew you had been sick for quite a while. I had no idea you were walking your last mile.

03/15/24 at 03:00 AM

Poem: I knew you had been sick for quite a while. I had no idea you were walking your last mile.The Andalusia Star News, by Vickie C. Wacaster, "a patient and hospice advocate for Aveanna Hospice"; 3/14/24. This poem is at the end of an article, "COLUMN: Hospice helps make most of all moments."I knew you had been sick for quite a while. I had no idea you were walking your last mile. Had I known your time was so near, Despite my fear, I would have talked more, touched more, and loved more. I asked about your care, your prognosis, your life, Why couldn’t they tell me? I was your wife. Or was I in denial? Did someone try to tell me? Did I refuse to hear? Could I not see? Did I refuse to accept? Your diagnosis and prognosis, did I reject? Was it because of unbelief? That death snatched you as a thief.We could have made the most of the time you had left, If only we had not been afraid of what we felt.

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Palliative Care News’ Top 5 Stories of 2023

12/08/23 at 03:50 AM

Palliative Care News’ Top 5 Stories of 2023Palliative Care NewsDecember 6, 2023A look back at Palliative Care News’ five most-read stories this year paints a picture of trends shaping the serious illness care space. Securing reimbursement—and the promise of value-based contracts—continues to be top of mind for many palliative care providers as they look ahead to 2024. Operators have their eyes on the ever-shifting payment landscape and the headwinds and opportunities that come with it. Meanwhile, more providers are increasingly working to address health disparities among underserved populations in various settings, including prisons and rural areas, among others. But in the midst of this, workforce shortages and clinical capacity issues remain obstacles to palliative care access. The following are the most-read Palliative Care News articles of 2023.

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