Legislation to Block CMS’ Nursing Home Staffing Mandate Gaining Steam Among Senators

12/01/23 at 04:00 AM

Legislation to Block CMS’ Nursing Home Staffing Mandate Gaining Steam Among Senators

Skilled Nursing News

November 29, 2023

Companion legislation to block the nursing home minimum staffing proposal is due to be introduced next week by Sen. Deb Fischer (R-NE)—more co-sponsors are anticipated, delaying the bill’s introduction to some time next week. That’s according to Sen. Fischer’s office. It’s a good delay to have, a spokesperson said in an email to Skilled Nursing News. The increased co-sponsor interest means that the legislation is gaining momentum. The upcoming legislation will coincide with H.R. 5796, Protecting Rural Seniors’ Access to Care Act. ... Fischer has been outspoken about the Biden administration’s “misguided mandate,” especially as it disproportionately affects rural communities with alternatives few and far between in parts of rural states like Nebraska.

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