Sen. Jacque—No Patient Left Alone Act advances with bipartisan support

12/11/23 at 04:00 AM

Sen. Jacque—No Patient Left Alone Act advances with bipartisan support
Wis Politics
December 7, 2023
Madison, WI—Our loved ones would never be isolated from their families and friends again under legislation that cleared a State Senate committee today protecting our right to visit those dear to us in hospitals and care facilities. State Sen. André Jacque (R-De Pere), co-author of the proposal with State Rep. Chuck Wichgers, said research coming out of the pandemic has shown what we have known all along about the damage done to patients and their families by blocking human contact when they need each other most. ... Sen. Jacque said the No Patient Left Alone Act addresses these problems by allowing patients in health care facilities to receive visitors, subject to COVID-19 infections protocols, and to have in-person compassionate care visitation between a resident and any individual the resident requests to relieve physical or mental distress. ... The No Patient Left Alone Act (Senate Bill 257) passed the Senate Committee on Health earlier this morning 0n a bi-partisan 5-1 vote. It must next clear the full Senate and Assembly, and be signed by the Governor, to become law.

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