Christmas tree competition lights the way for Hospice group

12/17/23 at 04:00 AM

Christmas tree competition lights the way for Hospice group
The Acorn (Thousand Oaks, CA)
December 15, 2023
Thousand Oaks, CA—The Oaks shopping center in Thousand Oaks is decked out for the holidays, with wreaths, ribbons and menorahs from one end to the other. But the mall’s highest concentration of Christmas cheer this season was found in a second-floor storefront between the Cheesecake Factory and J.C. Penney, at the Hospice of the Conejo’s Festival of Trees, held from Nov. 24 to Dec. 8. The annual pop-up display raises money for the T.O.-based nonprofit with an auction of trees decorated by local businesses and other organizations.

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