My mom’s agonizing death shows need for peaceful dying option in Minnesota

12/17/23 at 04:00 AM

My mom’s agonizing death shows need for peaceful dying option in Minnesota
By Françoise Willems-Shirley
Minn Post
December 15, 2023
The end was near and all that was left was more pain and suffering. Many of us, who have not been through this experience, imagine hospice to be a peaceful time where we say our goodbyes to loved ones, reflect on our life and our memories, until we quietly slip away holding the hands of those we cherish. Sadly, this could not have been further from the truth for my mom. For our family, hospice turned out to be a time of tremendous suffering, pain, trauma and sadness. ... That’s why I am so grateful that a medical aid-in-dying bill will be introduced in the Minnesota Legislature this session.
[Editor’s Note: The author resides in Hopkins, MN.]

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