President Jimmy Carter’s experience dispels hospice myths

12/06/23 at 04:00 AM

President Jimmy Carter’s experience dispels hospice myths
By Aaron Wheeler
Des Moines Register
December 4, 2023
... What makes Carter’s hospice situation a little different from most is that he first received hospice services in February 2023—a full 10 months ago, shortly after the recurrence of a life-limiting cancer. While many individuals and families view hospice services as a “last resort,” it’s clear the Carters viewed it for what it is: a way to help people live as fully as they can as long as they are able. If I could change one thing about the way most people view hospice services, that would be that “hospice” is often a word people dread because of the “death sentence” connotation. In reality, hospice is not about giving up hope. It’s about maximizing quality of life based on the individual’s choices, and often about helping family members transition back from caregiver status to simply being a spouse or a son or a daughter again.
[Editor’s Note: Aaron Wheeler is vice president of home and community-based services for WesleyLife, Johnston, IA].

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