Medical marijuana for pain management in hospice care as a complementary approach to scheduled opioids: A single arm study
01/20/24 at 03:25 AM
Medical marijuana for pain management in hospice care as a complementary approach to scheduled opioids: A single arm study
Am J Hosp Palliat Care, by Theodore Zanker, Joseph Sacco, James Prota, Michelle Palma, Kyoung A Viola Lee, Ruixiao Rachel Wang, Yixuan Liang, James Cunningham, Mona Mackary, Polina Ovchinnikova; 12/23
Combination medical cannabis/opioid therapy showed statistically significant pain relief and may have the potential for reducing opioid dose and mitigating opioid toxicity, offering a safe pain management alternative to opioids alone for patients in end-of-life care settings, and warrants further investigation in larger controlled trials.