Mobile application–based communication facilitation platform for family members of critically ill patients: A randomized clinical trial

01/20/24 at 03:20 AM

Mobile application–based communication facilitation platform for family members of critically ill patients: A randomized clinical trial
JAMA Network, by Christopher E. Cox, MD, MPH; Deepshikha C. Ashana, MD, MBA, MS; Isaretta L. Riley, MD, MPH; Maren K. Olsen, PhD; David Casarett, MD; Krista L. Haines, DO; Yasmin Ali O’Keefe, MD; Mashael Al-Hegelan, MD, MBA; Robert W. Harrison, MD; Colleen Naglee, MD; Jason N. Katz, MD, MHS; Hongqiu Yang, PhD; Elias H. Pratt, MD; Jessie Gu, MD; Katelyn Dempsey, MPH; Sharron L. Docherty, RN, PNP, PhD; Kimberly S. Johnson, MD; 1/24
Can a mobile application–based primary palliative care intervention targeting intensive care unit (ICU) physicians and family members improve unmet palliative care needs overall, and are there different outcomes by race? Findings suggest that a mobile application is a promising primary palliative care intervention for ICU clinicians that directly addresses the limited supply of palliative care specialists.

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