Nurse and social worker palliative telecare team and quality of life in patients with COPD, heart failure, or interstitial lung disease: The ADAPT randomized clinical trial

01/20/24 at 03:15 AM

Nurse and social worker palliative telecare team and quality of life in patients with COPD, heart failure, or interstitial lung disease: The ADAPT randomized clinical trial
JAMA Network, by David B. Bekelman, MD, MPH; William Feser, MS; Brianne Morgan, BSN; Carolyn H. Welsh, MD; Elizabeth C. Parsons, MD; Grady Paden, MD; Anna Baron, PhD; Brack Hattler, MD; Connor McBryde, MD; Andrew Cheng, MD; Allison V. Lange, MD; David H. Au, MD, MS; 1/16/24
Can a nurse and social worker palliative telecare team improve quality of life in outpatients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart failure (HF), and interstitial lung disease (ILD)? For adults with COPD, HF, or ILD at high risk of hospitalization and death and poor quality of life, a nurse and social worker palliative telecare team demonstrated clinically meaningful improvements in quality of life at 6 months.
Publisher note: JAMA Network published two palliative care clinical trials in this issue (1: Default palliative care consultation for seriously ill hospitalized patients: A pragmatic cluster randomized trial, and 2: Nurse and social worker palliative telecare team and quality of life in patients with COPD, heart failure, or interstitial lung disease: The ADAPT randomized clinical trial). There is also an editorial on both of these articles: A tale of 2 palliative care trials: Developing sustainable and transferable models by Ashwin A. Kotwal, MD, MS; Lauren J. Hunt, RN, PhD; Alexander K. Smith, MD, MS, MPH, and an audio interview with Alexander K. Smith, MD, MS, MPH, Patient-centered palliative care.

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