Ethics at the end of life in the newborn intensive care unit: Conversations and decisions

02/24/24 at 03:35 AM

Ethics at the end of life in the newborn intensive care unit: Conversations and decisions
Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, by Mark R. Mercurio, Lynn Gillam; 6/23
The unexpected birth of a critically ill baby raises many ethical questions for neonatologists. Some of these are obviously ethical questions, about whether to attempt resuscitation, and, if the baby is resuscitated and survives, whether to continue life sustaining interventions. Other ethical decisions are more related to what to say rather than what to do. Although less obvious, they are equally as important, and may also have far-reaching ramifications... This may serve as a helpful guide for ethical deliberation, and helpful scripting for parental discussion, in similar cases.

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