PERSPECTIVE: Nurses, too, must do no harm

02/27/24 at 03:00 AM

PERSPECTIVE: Nurses, too, must do no harm
Colorado Springs Gazette, by Kathryn Palermo; 2/25/24
Two decades ago, our family faced an experience that would forever shape my perspective on life, choices, and the importance of time in making profound decisions. ... Reflecting on this experience, I cannot help but draw parallels to the potential consequences of the changes proposed by the Legislature to expand physician-assisted death. In our case, time was a crucial factor in making informed decisions that preserved life and allowed for unexpected recovery. As a nursing professional and a family member who experienced a life-altering event, I am opposed to the newly introduced “Medical Aid-in-Dying” bill in the Colorado Senate, SB24-0068, expanding physician-assisted suicide.
Editor's Note: The views expressed are those of the author. Hospice & Palliative Care Today seeks to present articles of highest integrity and quality information, especially when reporting on controversial issues. This author presents these expertly from her perspective. While this author defines "the" Christian perspective, this editor supports that hospice and palliative care leaders and patients/families embrace a broader scope of religious beliefs, both within Christianity and inclusive of non-Christian faith systems. Whatever the reader's perspective, this editor invites you to read this insightful article with an open mind of respect, learning, and ethical dialogue.
Publisher's note: On 1/31/24, Hospice & Palliative Care Today ran a Denver Post article announcing and supporting SB24-0068. Today's article from the Colorado Springs Gazette opposes this bill.

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