The PACT Project: Feasibility of a multidisciplinary, multi-faceted intervention to promote goals of care conversations

03/16/24 at 03:00 AM

The PACT Project: Feasibility of a multidisciplinary, multi-faceted intervention to promote goals of care conversations
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, by Eytan Szmuilowicz, MD; Rebecca K. Clepp, MA, MEd, MHA; Jayson Neagle, MD; Adeboye Ogunseitan, MD; Martha Twaddle, MD; Gordon J. Wood, MD, MSCI; 4/24
Patients living with serious illness generally want their physicians to facilitate Goals of Care conversations (GoCc), yet physicians may lack time and skills to engage in these conversations in the outpatient setting... A multifaceted quality improvement intervention focused on serious illness communication skills can support a diverse clinical workforce to facilitate inpatient GoCc over time.

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