Private equity's plot against older Americans

03/02/24 at 03:15 AM

Private equity's plot against older Americans
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, by James Webster MD MS; 2/24/24
Over the past several decades more than 140 private equity investment firms have acquired entities in major components of healthcare in the United States... Private Equity firms have undertaken acquisitions of financially or administratively distressed hospitals, nursing homes, physician practices especially emergency care and medical specialties, hospices, home care agencies, physical therapy and rehabilitation operations, ambulance services, and nursing registries... Of particular importance for older Americans, Private Equity firms currently own a significant percentage of U.S. nursing homes; estimates range from 5% to 11%, and a rapidly increasing percentage of hospice and home care agencies. All three are important sources of seniors' care. Why should we be concerned about these issues considering all of the other current challenges to the medical system?... 

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