Mortality risk following end-of-life caregiving: A population-based analysis of hospice users and their families

03/23/24 at 02:00 AM

Mortality risk following end-of-life caregiving: A population-based analysis of hospice users and their families
Social Science & Medicine, by Mike Hollingshaus, Ken R. Smith, Huong Meeks, Katherine Ornstein, Eli Iacob, Djin Tay, Caroline Stephens, Rebecca L. Utz; 3/24

  • Exposure to end-of-life caregiving may increase mortality risk for surviving family.
  • Longer hospice duration and being the only nearby family member are risk factors.
  • Gender and relationship type (child or spouse) modify survivors' mortality risk.
  • Having more family members is protective against survivors' mortality risk.
  • Having a spouse with dementia is particularly risky for surviving widows' health.
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