Factors associated with hospital admission in the last month: A retrospective single center analysis

03/30/24 at 03:00 AM

Factors associated with hospital admission in the last month: A retrospective single center analysis
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, by Jessica E. Ma MD; Maren K. Olsen PhD; Cara L. McDermott PharmD, PhD; C. Barrett Bowling MD; S. Nicole Hastings MD; Tyler White; David Casarett MD, MA; 3/24
2202 (25.9%) patients had a hospital admission in the last month [of life]. Among the 1282 (15.1%) who died in a health system facility, most (86.0%) were admitted to the hospital in the last month. Among patients with a hospital admission and discharged in the last month, 60.9% were discharged on hospice. Compared to those without these diseases, metastatic cancer, liver disease, or heart failure had the highest odds of admission in the last month. ... As patients with heart or liver disease or metastatic cancer had the highest odds of admission in the last month, collaborative interventions between primary, palliative, and specialty care may improve quality of care at the end of life.

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