Eleology‐ A modest proposal

04/27/24 at 03:00 AM

Eleology‐ A modest proposal
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine; by Caleb Knisley, MD, Steven J. Baumrucker, MD; 6/24
Words matter. This is a simple but profound truth. ... Since the titles we are known by carry so much weight, misunderstanding and misnomers can be incredibly frustrating. Practitioners of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (HPM) (more on that mouthful in a moment) are uniquely aware of this frustration. ... The name “Hospice and Palliative Medicine” is therefore not an entirely accurate representation of the specialty it represents. ... Eleos is the word for “mercy” in both classical Greek authors and the writings that make up the Greek New Testament of the Christian Bible. ... Eleology, therefore, is a fitting name for the medical specialty uniquely dedicated to relieving suffering through mercy and compassion.

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