Time to rethink assisted dying?

04/27/24 at 03:00 AM

Time to rethink assisted dying?
Bioethics; by Udo Schuklenk; 5/24
... But who should be tasked with the provision of such services [assisted suicide and / or voluntary euthanasia], given that it would no longer be the case that only people defined as patients would be eligible for an assisted death. Healthcare professionals might object to providing such services to people who aren't patients. Different societies could decide to introduce permissive assisted dying regimes tasking different professionals with the provision of such services. If doctors are the profession tasked with the provision of such services in a particular jurisdiction, they ought to provide it to those eligible in that society. However, it is worth considering whether a newly created assisted dying profession, that is equally tightly regulated, may be a preferable way forward.

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