Financial strain on nursing homes sparks buying binge

05/10/24 at 03:00 AM

Financial strain on nursing homes sparks buying binge 
Modern Healthcare; by Diane Eastabrook; 5/8/24
Skilled nursing facility deals increased more than 80% in the first quarter of 2024 compared with the same period in 2023. There were 57 nursing home acquisitions valued at nearly $1.4 billion in the first quarter of this year compared with 31 deals valued at $448 million during the same period last year, according to Levin Associates, which tracks healthcare mergers and acquisitions. ... Last year was the worst year for healthcare bankruptcies in five years, according to restructuring and consulting firm Gibbins Advisors. Senior living and pharmaceuticals accounted for half of the 79 Chapter 11 filings in healthcare in 2023, the company said. It predicted continued distress for the senior care industry this year in a January research report.

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