Why Walmart’s exit from healthcare is a wake-up call to providers

05/14/24 at 03:00 AM

Why Walmart’s exit from healthcare is a wake-up call to providers 
Modern Healthcare; by Marty Bonick; 5/10/24 
Marty Bonick is president and CEO of Nashville, Tennessee-based Ardent Health. Try healthcare, they said. It will be easy. There's so much to improve, they said. We can do it better. While "they" — the retailers and disruptors once keen to transform healthcare — weren't completely wrong, there's no doubt this thinking has shifted in recent months. ... Walmart's decision to shutter its health clinics and virtual care services is the latest high-profile exit in the retail health sector. Already this year, Walgreens has announced plans to close 160 VillageMD clinics while Amazon cut jobs within its One Medical unit and Optum is closing its telehealth business. 

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