I kept crying

05/20/24 at 03:00 AM

I kept crying
JAMA Network; by Alexis Harmon; 4/15
[Opinion] “The patient is a 31-week infant born via crash C-section in the setting of placental abruption.” How many times have I said that sentence as a physician? It seems like a million, or at least enough times that it became routine. At one point during my intern year, my colleagues and I cared for 3 sets of twin neonates all born between 30 and 31 weeks’ gestation. I remember finishing that rotation and feeling like caring for this population no longer felt “scary.” As pediatric residents, we knew how to prepare for these newborns and fully expected that they would have excellent outcomes medically. All this changed when I was curled in the fetal position, midcontraction, my thigh throbbing from a betamethasone injection and my spine burning from a lidocaine injection...
Publisher's Note: A reminder that personal experience changes everything...

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