Stranded in the ER, seniors await hospital care and suffer avoidable harm

05/08/24 at 03:00 AM

Stranded in the ER, seniors await hospital care and suffer avoidable harm 
KFF Health News; by Judith Graham; 5/6/24 
Every day, the scene plays out in hospitals across America: Older men and women lie on gurneys in emergency room corridors moaning or suffering silently as harried medical staff attend to crises. Even when physicians determine these patients need to be admitted to the hospital, they often wait for hours — sometimes more than a day — in the ER in pain and discomfort, not getting enough food or water, not moving around, not being helped to the bathroom, and not getting the kind of care doctors deem necessary.
Editor's Note: Pair this with related solutions in our newsletter today, "How Mass General Brigham provides emergency care at home" (in our Post-Acute Care section) and "[Australia] Palliative patients can die peacefully at home with paramedic support, claims proposed framework" (in our International section). 

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