Misconceptions about palliative care still abound, two experts assert

06/18/24 at 03:00 AM

Misconceptions about palliative care still abound, two experts assert
McKnight's Home Care; by Liza Berger, Brynn Bowman, Allison Silvers; 6/12/24
[Podcast] While awareness has grown, a sound understanding of palliative care — specialized medical care for people living with serious illnesses — still lacks among the general public and among physicians and other healthcare professionals. The misconceptions present a barrier to its wider use, according to Brynn Bowman, CEO, and Allison Silvers, chief healthcare transformation officer, of the Center to Advance Palliative Care, who spoke to McKnight’s Home Care in a Newsmakers podcast. Among the many myths is that palliative care is not paid for; it is a service under Medicare Part B, they clarified.

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