Photojournalist blinded by MPD projectile during 2020 unrest enters hospice care

06/25/24 at 03:00 AM

Photojournalist blinded by MPD projectile during 2020 unrest enters hospice care  
Star Tribune Minneapolis, MN); by Zoë Jackson; 6/21/24 
Photojournalist Linda Tirado, who was partially blinded by a foam projectile fired by Minneapolis Police during unrest in June 2020 has entered hospice care. The photographer was covering riots outside the Third Precinct in Minneapolis following the murder of George Floyd when she was injured four years ago. Minneapolis police "ignored the press credential she wore around her neck" and marked her with a "ballistic tracking round" and then "shot her in her face with foam bullets," according to her federal lawsuit, for which she was awarded $600,000 from the city of Minneapolis.

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