Fixing the hospital-to-home health care transition

06/28/24 at 03:00 AM

Fixing the hospital-to-home health care transition 
Home Health Care News; by Andrew Donlan; 6/25/24 
The transition between hospital discharge and home health care is often fraught with issues. Unfortunately, it also happens to be one of the most crucial parts of a patient’s care journey. With more sick and complex patients coming into home health care than ever, a swift start of home health care is also arguably more important than ever. ... The Discharge to Assess (D2A) Model was a response to this issue in England. The Supporting Older Adults at Risk (SOAR) program, following a similar framework to D2A, was also recently established in the U.S. A study of SOAR’s results within a pilot program in Pennsylvania was recently published in the Journal for Healthcare Quality.

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