Colorado End-of-Life Options Act - year seven: 2023 data summary, with 2017-2023 trends and totals

07/11/24 at 03:00 AM

Colorado End-of-Life Options Act - year seven: 2023 data summary, with 2017-2023 trends and totals
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment; 7/24
In 2023, 389 patients received prescriptions for aid-in-dying medications under the provisions of the Colorado End-of-Life Options Act. This represents a 22% increase in the number of prescriptions compared to 2022. Among those prescribed aid-in-dying medication in 2023, CDPHE has received reports for 294 patients to whom aid-in-dying medication was dispensed. Also among those prescribed aid-in-dying medication, CDPHE has received death certificates for 333 patients through routine vital records registration. Note that not all of these deceased patients were dispensed aid-in-dying medication, and deaths may have been due to ingestion of aid-in-dying medication, the underlying terminal illness or condition, or other causes.

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