Wellesley couple has donated more than $3M toward palliative care at local hospital

01/30/25 at 03:00 AM

Wellesley couple has donated more than $3M toward palliative care at local hospital 
WickedLocal.com, Newton, MA; by Beth McDermott; 1/29/25 
A Wellesley couple recently committed $1.6 million to support palliative care at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, bringing their total contribution to more than $3 million. In a press release, hospital officials said the latest donation from Steve and Rebecca Sullivan will fund a palliative care nurse navigator position to benefit the entire hospital, especially its emergency department. The role is expected to improve the quality of care for seriously ill patients, streamline patient flow and support care teams. A previous $1.5 million gift from the Sullivans, in 2021, endowed the Sullivan Family Chief of Palliative Care position, held by Dr. Kosha Thakore.

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