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All posts tagged with “Non-print News | Video.”

East Anglia's Childrens Hospice releases heartwarming film: Ten-year-old "wants to show other children that hospice isn't a scarey place"

06/19/24 at 03:00 AM

East Anglia's Childrens Hospice releases heartwarming film: Ten-year-old "wants to show other children that hospice isn't a scarey place." EACH - East Anglia's Children's Hospices, United Kingdom; 6/17/24 "What's particularly special is that it was initiated by Charlotte. She told us she wanted to be part of a film, to show other children that a hospice isn't a scary place." ... A powerful new film has been released to showcase the work of a children’s hospice through the eyes of a spirited ten-year-old receiving care. Charlotte Freegard stars in the three-minute production, speaking about her experiences at The Treehouse, in Ipswich. “What’s particularly special is that it was initiated by Charlotte. “She told us she wanted to be part of a film, to show other children that a hospice isn’t a scary place. Instead, it’s somewhere they can have fun and create special memories.

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TCN News Stories of the Month, April 2024

05/08/24 at 02:00 AM

TCN News Stories of the Month, April 2024TCN Talks; by Chris Comeaux; 5/1/24In this week’s podcast Mark Cohen joins once more for the Top News Stories for the prior month. This is a new format as Mark has retired from publishing the Hospice News Today as he has transitioned it to Cordt Kassner and the daily publication has been rebranded as Hospice and Palliative Care Today. You can subscribe for free here:

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A hospice doctor on deathbed visions #shorts #tedx

05/01/24 at 03:00 AM

A hospice doctor on deathbed visions #shorts #tedx Tedx Talks; by Dr. Christopher Kerr; 4/29/24"When it comes to end-of-life experiences, most of the reports were based on anecdotal reporting. In other words, nobody had asked patients directly or attempted to quantify or measure. So that's what we've done. What we found is that the vast majority, over 80%, reported at least one pre-death dream and vision, described as more real than real and distinct from normal dreaming. 

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Giving hospice patients a dignified end-of-life experience

03/20/24 at 03:00 AM

Giving hospice patients a dignified end-of-life experience Steve Adubato On the Air, with Charles Vialotti, MD; 3/13/24On--location at Villa Marie Claire Residential Hospice, Steve Adubato is joined by medical director, Charles Vialotti, MD to talk about his personal commitment to hospice care and giving residents and their families a dignified end-of-life experience.

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