Hospice of South Texas guided Woodsboro woman through transition to afterlife

12/11/23 at 04:00 AM

Hospice of South Texas guided Woodsboro woman through transition to afterlife
Victoria (TX) Advocate
December 9, 2023
Woodsboro, TX—Rebecca Roitsch had suffered an accidental overdose on morphine after undergoing surgery to remove both of her breasts. Roitsch was battling an aggressive Stage 4 breast cancer that had spread to her bones and other organs, riddling her body with more than 30 metastases. ... She became a patient of the Hospice of South Texas in Victoria where health care providers aimed to ease her pain and heal her spirit as the inevitable approached. ... When Roitsch was first admitted into the Hospice of South Texas in April, she feared the worst. She worried the hospice would be a sterile place without life or love, where she would languish in a cold, unfamilar clinical setting. Quickly, she realized she had been wrong. ... “These people here came into (my hospice) room, and it was like lightning filled the room. I’m not kidding. They were real. They were just fabulous. They listened. They didn’t push you. If you couldn’t eat, then you couldn’t eat. They were just wonderful, and I started realizing that this was not what I had in mind at all.”

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