Kroger Health boosts investment in senior primary care

12/13/23 at 03:58 AM

Kroger Health boosts investment in senior primary care
Modern Healthcare
December 11, 2023
Kroger is testing a strategic shift for its in-store clinics and moving into primary care for seniors. This month, its Kroger Health unit transitioned eight of The Little Clinic sites in Atlanta to focus on seniors, in addition to their regular services. If the change proves successful, Kroger wants to expand it to other existing locations and potentially new markets, said Jim Kirby, Kroger Health’s chief commercial officer. “We want to make sure that we’ve got the model right, and that we’re seeing the outcomes from the patients that we expect,” he said. “We want them to have that relationship with us, [so] that we can go deep with them, and we can do the best job we can to quarterback their care.”

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