Operating in the red

12/13/23 at 03:30 AM

Operating in the red
Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle, WA)
December 10, 2023
... Across Washington, health systems representing 93% of the state’s beds have incurred more than $750 million in operational losses in the first half of 2023, according to data from the Washington State Hospital Association. ... Those losses were much steeper in 2022, but a majority of Washington hospitals are still operating at a deficit, burning through cash reserves to keep their doors open. Statewide, 17 hospitals have less than three months of operating costs in their reserves, per WSHA. ... “Folks have probably heard the term ‘no margin, no mission.’ So, no matter how foundational your mission statement is, if you don’t have the finances to run the organization, then there really can’t be a mission for you,” [EvergreenHealth Chief Medical and Quality Officer Dr. Ettorre] Palazzo said. ... As hospitals look for ways to stave off financial losses, they’re faced with another crisis—a population that is demonstrably sicker than it was prior to Covid 19. That’s leading to high hospital censuses and clogged emergency departments, further stressing hospital systems, employee well-being and financial viability.

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