My husband's death in hospice care made me more opposed to assisted suicide

01/11/24 at 04:00 AM

My husband's death in hospice care made me more opposed to assisted suicide, says Nadine Dorries
The Telegraph, by Dominic Penna; 1/10/24
Paul Dorries, who died of bowel cancer in June 2019, asked to travel to the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland to end his life as soon as he received his terminal diagnosis, the former culture secretary [Nadine Dorries] said. But setting out her opposition to the “distressing” practice of assisted suicide, Ms Dorries said her husband had eventually been glad to spend his final weeks in palliative care surrounded by loved ones. ... "The peaceful way he died at home four months later – surrounded by his loving family – only reinforced my strong view that assisted dying is wrong.”

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