Welcome to our Martin Luther King Day Special Edition

01/15/24 at 01:00 AM

Welcome to our Martin Luther King Day 2024, Special Edition: Hospice & Palliative Care Today
We invite you to use this Martin Luther Day 2024 to learn and reflect on today's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) needs throughout the hospice and palliative care services your organization provides. Today's Special Edition equips you with a variety of DEI resources that interface with our hospice and palliative care: ongoing definitive resources, time-sensitive articles, data driven research, inspirational stories, and more taken from the past few months. What speaks to you? Freely share this MLK Day Special Edition with your colleagues. Our regular newsletter will resume tomorrow. Your colleagues can receive our daily newsletters for free by clicking here.
Editor in Chief, Joy Berger, DMA, FT, BCC, MT-BC, jberger@hospicepalliativecaretoday.com
Publisher, Cordt Kassner, PhD, ckassner@hospicepalliativecaretoday.com

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