'What my terminal cancer diagnosis taught me about life'

01/29/24 at 04:00 AM

'What my terminal cancer diagnosis taught me about life' 
BBC News, by Nicola Bryan; 1/27/24
Forget striving for a bigger home and a better car. Slow down, be grateful for what you have and take time with the people you love. This is the advice from Megan McClay, 30, who is living with terminal cancer. ...  Megan's story is one of several being told at 'What matters most?', an exhibition at Senedd Oriel at the Senedd, or Welsh Parliament in Cardiff Bay [Wales]. Through photographs and short films the exhibition shares the perspectives of people with terminal illnesses, their families and those who work in palliative care.
Editor's Note: Click here for this exhibition's "What matters most?" website, film, and many video stories.

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