After loved ones' long-awaited organ transplants, caregivers often find challenges are just beginning

01/05/24 at 04:00 AM

After loved ones' long-awaited organ transplants, caregivers often find challenges are just beginning
STAT, by Annalisa Merelli; 1/4/24
By the time his wife Glenda Daggert received a double organ transplant in 1999, Ira Copperman already had a lot of experience as a caregiver. ... After the transplants, Daggert had a new kidney and a new pancreas, and was no longer diabetic. Yet this was not the ending to all her health issues, nor to Copperman’s role as a caregiver. “Transplantation is not the end story. You don’t stop what you do as caregiver or care partners the day after a transplant,” said Copperman, who serves as vice president of the nonprofit Transplant Recipients International Organization. “It is a lifelong journey.”

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