Measuring the impact of AI in the diagnosis of hospitalized patients

01/06/24 at 04:00 AM

Measuring the impact of AI in the diagnosis of hospitalized patients
JAMA Network, by Sarah Jabbour, MSE; David Fouhey, PhD; and Stephanie Shepard, PhD; Thomas S. Valley, MD; Ella A Kazerooni, MD, MS; Nikola Banovic, PhD; Jenna Wiens, PhD; Michael W. Sjoding, MD; 12/23
In this multicenter randomized clinical vignette survey study, diagnostic accuracy significantly increased by 4.4% when clinicians reviewed a patient clinical vignette with standard AI model predictions and model explanations compared with baseline accuracy. However, accuracy significantly decreased by 11.3% when clinicians were shown systematically biased AI model predictions and model explanations did not mitigate the negative effects of such predictions.

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