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All posts tagged with “Technology / Innovations News | AI / ChatGPT / Machine Learning / Virtual Reality.”

6 guidelines from ASCO on AI, cancer care

07/05/24 at 03:00 AM

6 guidelines from ASCO on AI, cancer care Becker's Hospital Review; by Ashleigh Hollowell; 6/25/24 Leaders at the American Society of Clinical Oncology published a formal document June 25 that outlines what the group deems as the most appropriate use of artificial intelligence when it comes to clinical oncology care. ... When considering AI technology for oncological care, the American Society of Clinical Oncology says clinicians should keep the following principles in mind to guide their use: 

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Lawmakers say CMS should ban Medicare Advantage’s use of AI to deny care

07/03/24 at 03:00 AM

Lawmakers say CMS should ban Medicare Advantage’s use of AI to deny care McKnights Long-Term Care News; by Josh Henreckson; 6/26/24 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services should consider banning artificial intelligence from being used to deny Medicare Advantage coverage pending a “systematic review,” a group of 49 congressional leaders is urging. ...  Skilled nursing providers have been sounding the alarm for years on Medicare Advantage coverage access, especially when informed by AI and other algorithms. Sector leaders have frequently noted that these methods can deny or prematurely end coverage for patients who need it to afford necessary long-term care. Providers and consumer advocates both spoke out in favor of the lawmakers’ letter this week. “LeadingAge’s nonprofit and mission driven members … have firsthand experience of Medicare Advantage (MA) plans’ inappropriate use of prior authorization to deny, shorten and limit MA enrollees’ access to medically necessary Medicare benefits,” wrote Katie Smith Sloan, president and CEO of LeadingAge. ... “Implementation by [the] Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which we fully support, would ensure MA plans fulfill their obligation to provide enrollees equitable access to Medicare services.”

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Why nurses are protesting AI

07/03/24 at 03:00 AM

Why nurses are protesting AIHealthcare Brew; by Tom McKay; 6/26/24Continuous data collection and analysis is hardly a replacement for knowledge, nursing unions say, and sometimes gets in the way of care. The largest nursing union in the US, National Nurses United (NNU), is sounding the alarm about the use of AI in healthcare. In April, the union’s affiliate California Nurses Association (CNA) protested an AI conference helmed by managed care consortium Kaiser Permanente. Like workers in other sectors who are worried about AI encroachment, the nurses fear that the tech is contributing to the devaluation of their skills amid what they say is already a “chronic” understaffing crisis, nurses reported in an NNU survey of 2,300 registered nurses and members in early 2024. But the NNU, which represents approximately 225,000 nurses across the country, also claims healthcare operators are using AI hype as a pretext to rush half-baked and potentially harmful technologies into service, says Michelle Mahon, NNU’s assistant director of nursing practice.

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How 'Human-Kind' AI can reshape your business

07/02/24 at 03:00 AM

How 'Human-Kind' AI can reshape your business Forbes; by Mark Cameron; 7/1/24 As AI models mature, their impact on the economy is becoming increasingly profound. They offer unprecedented opportunities for innovation and efficiency. Here's how. ... AI enables traditional businesses to accomplish more with fewer resources. ... As AI begins to take over mundane tasks, the role of the human workforce is evolving. Employees are no longer cogs in the machine—they're becoming value creators. The focus is evolving toward roles that require critical thinking, creativity and emotional intelligence—areas where humans excel, but AI still has limitations. This shift necessitates upskilling and reskilling initiatives to prepare the workforce for new, high-value roles in an AI-driven economy.

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AMA Advocacy 2024 efforts

07/01/24 at 03:00 AM

AMA Advocacy 2024 efforts American Medical Association; by AMA; Updated June 2024, 6/27/24 There are far too many everyday practice challenges interfering with patient care. That’s why the American Medical Association is advocating to keep physicians at the head of the health care team, reform the Medicare physician payment system, relieve the burdens of overused prior authorizations and so much more. [Key advocacy efforts include:]

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7 of the top tech and IT jobs in demand for the future

06/28/24 at 03:00 AM

7 of the top tech and IT jobs in demand for the future TechTarget; by David Weldon; 6/24/24 Businesses of the future will rely on workers with IT skills even more than they do today. Find out which jobs might be most in demand and what those roles entail. ... Organizations are having to create new tech roles and redefine existing ones to manage the integration of AI and data into core business functions. Meanwhile, cybersecurity continues to be a top concern, as do digital transformation and cloud computing. These challenges are increasing the demand for job roles that merge technical expertise with strategic business acumen. ... So, what will be some of the hottest IT jobs of the future? ... Roles are listed in alphabetical order. 

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Hospice charity’s online community ‘at huge risk’ after Meta ban

06/28/24 at 03:00 AM

Hospice charity’s online community ‘at huge risk’ after Meta ban ThirdSector, United Kingdom; by Emily Harle; 4/26/24The charity says it has been unable to fully access to its Facebook and Instagram accounts after the admin was banned for posting a hospice advert.  Lewis-Manning Hospice Care has lost access to its Meta Business Manager account, saying the unexpected ban has left it unable to access analytics, fundraising tools and at risk of losing its entire online community. The charity, which offers palliative care for people with life-limiting illnesses and their families across east Dorset, has been left unable to fully manage its Facebook and Instagram accounts for more than a year after an admin was banned by Meta. Olivia Girling, head of marketing and communications at Lewis-Manning Hospice Care, told Third Sector the ban was imposed on the charity’s former marketing manager’s advertising account, after she posted a fundraising advert. Girling said Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, told the charity the ad had “violated community guidelines,” but she insisted it was a “generic hospice marketing post.” When pressed for its reasoning behind the ban, Meta would not give any further explanation, she said.Editor's Note: Click on the title's link for this important information, conflicted outcomes, and horrific bans from being able to manage one's own hospice Facebook and Instagram accounts.

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'We may not ever be fully staffed': Health system C-suites plan for the future

06/27/24 at 03:15 AM

'We may not ever be fully staffed': Health system C-suites plan for the future Becker's Hospital Review - Leadership & Management; by Laura Dyrda; 6/24/24 After the pandemic, most healthcare leaders experienced a "great resignation" as workers left for other service industries and ever since health systems have been dealing with a lack of skilled labor to backfill the vacancies. "As we have realized we may not ever be fully staffed to the degree we were pre-COVID, we now must augment our existing workforce with technology that extends their capabilities," said Mark Moseley, MD, president of USF Tampa General Physicians and executive vice president of Tampa General Hospital. "This is a two-part challenge. First, we need to deploy technology thoughtfully with sound blocking and tackling, which is expensive in both time and capital. Second, we must train our workforce to use these new technologies to aid them in their daily responsibilities in a manner that does not diminish the ethos of why many of us went into healthcare: the interactions with patients and members of the healthcare team." Physicians and nurses can fall on a wide spectrum of excitement or distaste for incorporating technology into their practice. Some may find it impersonal and challenging to understand while others see it as a tool boosting their capacity. ... [Click on the title's link to continue reading.]

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Telemedicine and e-Health: May issue

06/26/24 at 03:00 AM

Telemedicine and e-Health: May issue Telemedicine and e-Health; Editor-in-Chief Charles R. Doearn, MBA, FATA and Executive Editor Karen Rheuban, MD, FATA; published monthly The leading peer-reviewed journal for cutting-edge telemedicine applications for achieving optimal patient care and outcomes. [Relevant titles include the following. These are included in this current May's print edition, many were previously published "online ahead of print."]

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A paradigm shift for healthtech CEOs: Increasing patient satisfaction and retention

06/26/24 at 03:00 AM

A paradigm shift for healthtech CEOs: Increasing patient satisfaction and retention Forbes; by Eric Giesecke; 6/24/24In our hyperconnected world, seamless communication is the norm. From the latest news to customer service chats, consumers expect streamlined interactions. However, the healthcare and healthtech industries have lagged in adopting consumer-friendly practices. ... A patient’s experience is extremely important for healthcare organizations to thrive. It’s important to remember that in the digital age, competitors are not just other healthcare companies. ... So how can we customize experiences better than ever before? One important step is taking the time to understand your organization's current technology. ...

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The ‘Inter-AI’ Period: 7 key actions leaders should take now 

06/24/24 at 03:00 AM

The ‘Inter-AI’ Period: 7 key actions leaders should take now CEOWorld Magazine; by Nada R. Sanders, PhD; 6/20/24 Generative AI is not transient, part of a hype cycle, or a fleeting trend. It’s a game-changing innovation that’s opened the door to novel human-machine partnerships, AI-driven superintelligence, and a new way to win in business. In the AI timeline, we’ve entered “The Inter-AI Period,” a small window of opportunity where leaders can shape how they use AI now and in the future. This window of opportunity is short—perhaps a few years at most—after which decision processes embedded in AI will harden. ... By studying transformative AI leaders ... and conducting interviews with dozens of corporate CEOs, we’ve identified seven key actions every leader should take now:

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Rendever and Lenovo collaborate to bring virtual reality experiences to Carolina Caring seniors

06/21/24 at 03:00 AM

Rendever and Lenovo collaborate to bring virtual reality experiences to Carolina Caring seniors Fox 8, Boston, MA; by Rendever; 6/19/24 Rendever, the Boston-based company pioneering the future of aging through virtual reality (VR), announces the deployment of its virtual reality platform with Lenovo to Carolina Caring patients. The rollout allows clinicians and caregivers to bring expansive, once-in-a-lifetime VR experiences to older patients whose worlds have become limited. Over the last year, Rendever and Lenovo combined their products into a joint solution that senior living providers can easily adopt to improve the quality of life for older adults through positive shared experiences. Rendever’s award-winning virtual reality solution delivered on Lenovo’s ThinkReality VRX headset provides an all-in-one standalone solution that meets the evolving needs of enterprises with modern virtual reality with six degrees of freedom, full color, and high-resolution experiences. Rendever is deployed in over 700 communities nationwide and looks to further expand with the addition of Carolina Caring in collaboration with Lenovo. 

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Global digital health outlook and growth report 2024: Care at home and alternative sites will see a growing preference, focus will be on adoption across clinical and operational use cases

06/20/24 at 03:00 AM

Global digital health outlook and growth report 2024: Care at home and alternative sites will see a growing preference, focus will be on adoption across clinical and operational use cases Classic 96.7 FM; by Business Wire; 6/17/24The digital health industry has maintained a consistent growth trajectory. Investing in technologies that help organizations achieve the quintuple aim of healthcare is a constant priority. However, high inflation and tight monetary policy will impact the investment landscape as it shifts from top-line growth to profitability. ... Change management initiatives will require stakeholder education to understand the pros and cons of newer technology initiatives and work alongside these to improve clinical and operational processes. Top 2024 Digital Health Predictions:

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Better manage privacy concerns related to AI in healthcare

06/20/24 at 03:00 AM

Better manage privacy concerns related to AI in healthcare Fior Reports; by Becca Roberts; 6/17/24 Artificial intelligence technologies offer tremendous potential in healthcare, but it is critical for organizations to carefully consider the complex privacy concerns associated with different types of AI products and deployments, says Karen Habercoss, privacy officer at UChicago Medicine. “It’s critical to really understand what the use cases are and how we can minimize the amount of data we share to protect our patients, their privacy and their data,” she said. “I'm very much in favor of AI. I think it will bring about a fundamental change in the way we care for patients clinically in healthcare. Those are the very positive things that will come out of it. But with that comes a great responsibility to protect our patients from things they may not understand,” she said. 

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'I don't ever trust Epic to be correct': Nurses raise more AI concerns

06/18/24 at 03:00 AM

'I don't ever trust Epic to be correct': Nurses raise more AI concerns Becker's Health IT; by Giles Bruce; 6/14/24 Nurses continue to voice concerns about artificial intelligence and its integration into EHRs, saying the technology is ineffective and interferes with patient care. Nurses from health systems around the country spoke to National Nurses United, their largest labor union, for a June 5 story about issues with such programs as automated nurse handoffs, patient classification systems and sepsis alerts. Multiple nurses cited problems with EHR-based programs from Epic and Oracle Health that use algorithms to determine patient acuity and nurse staffing levels. "I don't ever trust Epic to be correct," Craig Cedotal, RN, a pediatric oncology nurse at Kaiser Permanente Oakland (Calif.) Medical Center, told the nurses' union. "It's never a reflection of what we need, but more a snapshot of what we've done." ... Hundreds of nurses protested AI at Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Medical Center in April.

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Hope in oncology: Where art and science collide

06/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Hope in oncology: Where art and science collide Medscape; by Sharon Worcester, MA; 6/12/24 Carlos, a 21-year-old, laid in a hospital bed, barely clinging to life. Following a stem cell transplant for leukemia, Carlos had developed a life-threatening case of graft-vs-host disease. But Carlos' mother had faith. "I have hope things will get better," she said, via interpreter, to Richard Leiter, MD, a palliative care doctor in training at that time. "I hope they will," Leiter told her. "I should have stopped there," said Leiter, recounting an early-career lesson on hope during the ASCO Voices session at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2024 annual meeting. "But in my eagerness to show my attending and myself that I could handle this conversation, I kept going, mistakenly." ... Carlos' mother looked Leiter in the eye. "You want him to die," she said. ...Editor's Note: Click on the title's link to continue reading this insightful reflection and discussion about the importance of "hope." Engage your oncology/palliative/hospice chaplains (hopefully CPE trained and Board Certified) with your medical team members to explore this core belief in "hope." Alert: AI referrals for palliative and hospice care are increasing exponentially. Clinicians must be sensitive to the human dimensions and dynamics of "hope" (which shift and change), and not be driven just by technological data.

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Acting now to sustain and improve America’s healthcare system: Advice from innovative physicians and health system leaders

06/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Acting now to sustain and improve America’s healthcare system: Advice from innovative physicians and health system leadersSheppardMullin Healthcare Law Blog; by Kathleen O'Neill, John Golembesky, Jeralin Cardoso, Chi Huynh & Carolyn Young; 6/6/24 At [the recent] America’s Physician Groups Spring conference in San Diego, California, we listened as physicians and health system leaders described the ways in which they are responding to short and long term challenges to the sustainability of America’s healthcare system in its current form. It now stands at a critical juncture, facing challenges such as provider shortages and burnout, increasing concerns around access and cost for pharmaceutical products and other supplies, the increasing burden of managing chronic diseases, rising demand for services across the spectrum from an aging population, and balancing the transition to value-based care models in a predominantly fee-for-service environment. ... Here, we outline the key areas of focus described by leaders at the conference: ... 

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Prisma uses VR tech to bring outdoors to hospice patients

06/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Prisma uses VR tech to bring outdoors to hospice patients, Seneca, SC; by Andrea Kelley; 6/8/24 Years ago, Lisa Dwiggins headed out West to visit her father, Bobby Finch. They hopped on his motorcycle — a Harley Davidson — and wound through the canyons, taking in the view. Thanks to a new virtual reality program at Prisma Health Hospice of the Foothills, Dwiggins and Finch were able to visit those places again — together. ... “Those were areas Dad talked about over the years,” Dwiggins told The Journal. “He lived in Las Vegas for over 30 years, rode his Harley all through the canyons and up along the coast, and talked about the sunsets at Huntington Beach. It’s been 6 years since Dad has been back there, and he has been trying to get back to visit but his health prevented him to getting back. This program at least allowed him to reminisce the good times he had.” The experience was made even more special because with Tandem VR, Dwiggins could join Finch.

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AI in healthcare – Enhancing treatment plans, engaging patients, and impacting patient outcomes

06/12/24 at 03:00 AM

AI in healthcare – Enhancing treatment plans, engaging patients, and impacting patient outcomes Healthcare IT Today; by Grayson Miller; 6/10/24 A lot of the buzz around AI is about the potential that it holds. We talk a lot about how different AI applications and tools could save us time or how they could improve the patient experience. But what is it actively doing to the world of healthcare? In order to find out, we reached out to our incredible Healthcare IT Today Community to ask them – how is artificial intelligence being utilized to enhance treatment planning, engage patients at scale, and what impact is it having on patient outcomes? The following are their answers. ... [Click on the title's link to read more.]

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WorldView announces Referral AI, the most accurate referral classification platform to increase home health and hospice revenue

06/12/24 at 03:00 AM

WorldView announces Referral AI, the most accurate referral classification platform to increase home health and hospice revenue Investors Observer; by PR Newswire; 6/10/24 WorldView , a leading provider of integrated healthcare technology to the top home health and hospice EHR/EMR platforms, today announced the upcoming launch of Referral AI, an enhancement to automate intake referrals using a custom AI/ML model built specific for the healthcare industry. ... Home health and hospice agencies receive many forms of electronic documents in their inbox, including referrals for new patient service. Referrals must be acted on quickly, but with documents being dozens of pages, they often sit unread or, worse, are missed or overlooked. Over time, the referral can become invalid, resulting in lost revenue for the agency and posing a risk of delayed service for patients.

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40 changes to earn better results, per health IT and finance leaders

06/07/24 at 03:00 AM

40 changes to earn better results, per health IT and finance leadersBecker's Hospital Review; by Randi Haseman; 6/4/24Running a successful healthcare organization requires constant innovation and adaptability. Forty healthcare leaders shared their best change in the past two years to attain amazing results. ... Question: What is one change you made in the last two years that yielded the best results? ...

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Leading healthcare transformation: Strategic growth through generative AI

06/07/24 at 03:00 AM

Leading healthcare transformation: Strategic growth through generative AI Forbes; by Ashu Goel; 6/5/24 When ChatGPT was launched in November 2022, most of us experienced a “wow” moment. Its capabilities seemed magical. Generative AI (GenAI), led by ChatGPT, has taken the industry by storm, emerging as one of the most disruptive technologies of our era. Given the widespread discussion around GenAI, it's clear that its impact is profound and far-reaching. Yet, adopting generative AI has been a significant challenge for many organizations. Gartner's insight highlights this struggle, predicting that at least 30% of generative AI projects will be abandoned throughout the next year due to issues like poor data quality and unclear business value. This prediction alone paints a picture of the adoption hurdles. ... Editor's Note: This is not not a black and white right-wrong, good-bad conflict. Notice in numerous articles we post the valid concerns expressed by hospice and palliative clinical professionals. Practical, effective implementation must reconcile these differences.

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Empathetic AI: How Genai virtual agents will be leveraged

06/05/24 at 03:00 AM

Empathetic AI: How Genai virtual agents will be leveraged Informa; by Josh Streets; 6/3/24 Imagine you're shopping online or in a store and have a question about a product. But you don’t want to find a store employee or call into their contact center to speak with a salesperson while you wait for answers. With a simple snapshot of a QR/UPC code on the product or a tap on your mobile device within an application, you're instantly connected to a virtual agent via video chat. This AI assistant not only understands your questions but can also pick up on your facial expressions and body language via your video discussion, to respond with empathy and some level of emotional intelligence. "I can see you're a bit frustrated," the virtual agent says with a warm, reassuring tone. "Let me walk you through the product details and address any concerns you might have."Editor's Note: This AI solution might be great for shopping, but is it ethical for hospice care, especially when the person calling might be elderly and assumes they are talking with a person? How would you feel, especially if you're calling when your loved is actively dying, or has just died moments before? 

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More older adults becoming comfortable with using technology to help them age in place

06/04/24 at 03:00 AM

More older adults becoming comfortable with using technology to help them age in placeMcKnight's Senior Living; by Kimberly Bonvissuto; 5/28/24Although fewer older adults say their homes are equipped to allow them to age in place in 2024 compared with 2023, more of them are getting comfortable with the idea of using assistive or health-related technologies to keep them living where they are, according to the results of a US News & World Report survey. ... The majority of survey participants (95%) agreed that aging in place was an important goal, up from 93% in 2023. The 2024 report took a deeper look at why older adults are — or are not — using assistive and health-related technologies, which technologies they use the most and their experiences with that technology.

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How businesses should (and should not) use AI: A strategic blueprint

06/03/24 at 03:00 AM

How businesses should (and should not) use AI: A strategic blueprint Forbes; by Bernard Marr; 5/31/24 Businesses often find themselves at a crossroads in the race to leverage artificial intelligence (AI). The lure of AI's promise is undeniable—from enhancing customer experiences to automating routine tasks. Yet, how a company approaches AI can spell the difference between mere technological flirtation and achieving real, transformative outcomes. Here, I offer a strategic blueprint for businesses keen on not just piloting AI but also scaling it effectively.

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