To calm and to commend: Veterans’ musical preferences anticipating end of life

11/09/24 at 03:05 AM

To calm and to commend: Veterans’ musical preferences anticipating end of life
Military Medicine; by Beatrice J Krauss; 11/24
Listening to music was the most prevalent of the 20 coping mechanisms for stress in this sample of 30 veterans. Musical preferences were stable across age groups. For calming, music at resting heartbeat rhythms was chosen. Music from early adulthood or from the timelessness of the classics was selected most often. Modern music with lyrics has themes of duty, affirmation, gratitude, and relief. The nearly universal soothing effects of lullabies were recognized. For music for honor ceremonies, desires were often independent of the military branch. Patriotic songs, or songs recognizing multiple service branches, or with themes of peace and affirmation were more often chosen than music from a particular service branch.

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