Suicide deaths among adolescent and young adult patients with cancer

12/01/24 at 03:05 AM

Suicide deaths among adolescent and young adult patients with cancer
JAMA Network Open; Koji Matsuo, MD, PhD; Christina J. Duval, BA; Briana A. Nanton, BS; Jennifer A. Yao, BA; Erin Yu, BS; Christian Pino, MD; Jason D. Wright, MD; 11/24
The overall cancer incidence among adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients is increasing at an alarming rate in the US largely driven by thyroid cancer. Although cancer mortality continues to decrease among AYA patients, those who survive cancer are at elevated risk for emotional distress, mental health problems, and suicide. Together with the population-level increase in the US suicide death rate, the results of this assessment call for attention focused on the increasing suicide death rate among AYA patients with cancer, particularly male individuals. The proportion of AYA patients with cancer of thyroid, testis, or cutaneous melanoma who had a suicide death was greater than 2%, and they most benefit from a psychosocial and mental health evaluation. Because this study noted that many suicide deaths among these AYA patients with cancer occur years after the cancer diagnosis, long-term care and support for cancer survivors is recommended.

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