International comparison of underlying disease among recipients of medical assistance in dying

12/14/24 at 03:30 AM

International comparison of underlying disease among recipients of medical assistance in dying
JAMA Internal Medicine; Brandon Heidinger, BSc; Colleen Webber, PhD; Kenneth Chambaere, PhD; Eliana Close, PhD; Luc Deliens, PhD; Bregje Onwuteaka-Philipsen, PhD; Thaddeus Pope, JD, PhD; Agnes van der Heide, MD, PhD; Ben White, DPhil, LLB, (Hons); James Downar, MD, MHSc; 12/24
In 2023, 282 million individuals lived in jurisdictions allowing medical assistance in dying (MAID). But regardless of jurisdiction, cancer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) consistently account for up to 80% of MAID cases, despite accounting for fewer than 30% of all deaths. This observation is consistent with the idea that MAID is driven heavily by illness-related factors common to people with those illnesses and inconsistent with the idea that MAID is driven substantially by factors that are external to the individual and that vary by jurisdiction, such as eligibility criteria, culture, social assistance, or palliative care service availability. The overall incidence of MAID increased over time (per 1 calendar year ... ).

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