Seasons Hospice, Homestead Hospice House successfully raise $850,000

12/09/24 at 02:00 AM

Seasons Hospice, Homestead Hospice House successfully raise $850,000 
KTTC, Rochester, MN; by Ryan Paris; 12/6/24 
On Tuesday, Dec. 3, the Homestead Hospice House Board of Directors and Seasons Hospice reached its fundraising goal of $850,000. With the help of the money raised during the fundraiser, it makes the expansion of access to residential hospice care even more possible. Now that the fundraising goal is met, the two boards will now begin the process of negotiating details of a lease agreement for the new hospice facility. Once that lease is finalized, the next phase will be the beginning of the licensing process through the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Once all is complete, the formal timeline for the house reopening will be established. 

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