How do you live while your brother is dying? ‘Suncoast’ is a teen take on hospice

02/14/24 at 03:00 AM

How do you live while your brother is dying? ‘Suncoast’ is a teen take on hospice
Wisconsin Public Radio, by Mandalit Del Barco; 2/9/24
A new film streaming on Hulu considers a subject that’s sometimes in the news, but not often in entertainment: hospice end-of-life care. Suncoast is writer-director Laura Chinn’s fictional account of her life in the early 2000s as a Florida teen with a severely ill older brother. ... Chinn helped her mother care for him for years, and at the end of his life, they moved him into a hospice center, ... the same place that a woman named Terri Schiavo was on life support for 15 years. ... Renée Stoeckle, a spokesperson for the real-life Suncoast Hospice, was in the audience at the Sundance premiere. During the question and answer presentation after the movie, she walked to the front of the theater to thank Chinn for portraying the work of hospice nurses and grief counselors in a compassionate way.

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