Jimmy Carter's hospice care shines light on the vital role of end-of-life services in Georgia

02/23/24 at 01:00 AM

Jimmy Carter's hospice care shines light on the vital role of end-of-life services in Georgia
BNN, by Dil Bar Irshad; 2/19/24
[Posted in the United Kingdom] As news emerged that former U.S. President Jimmy Carter had entered hospice care at his home in Georgia, the spotlight turned not only to the respected statesman's final chapter but also to the broader narrative of hospice care in America. This development underscores the critical importance of raising awareness about holistic end-of-life services, a mission that hospices around the nation, such as the esteemed Shakespeare Hospice, have been championing for decades.
Editor's Note: "Shout out" to the United States' Georgia Hospice & Palliative Care Organization for your ongoing excellence! We are honored to be present with you this morning at your annual conference and to lead today's plenary session on hospice trends. Dr. Cordt Kassner, Publisher and Dr. Joy Berger, Editor in Chief

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