Cancer is the leading cause of death in HIV-positive individuals

02/07/24 at 04:00 AM

Cancer is the leading cause of death in HIV-positive individuals
Managed Healthcare Executive, by Logan Lutton; 1/17/24
In those with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), there is a 10-fold higher cancer risk than in the general population, according to the annual Cancer Facts and Figures report from the American Cancer Society published [1/17/24]. Because HIV compromises the immune system, it increases the risk of infections like human papillomavirus (HPV) that can lead to cervical cancer. Ten cancers are associated with HIV. These include non-Hodgkin lymphoma, cervical, liver, anal, and lung cancers.Access to care is another barrier for the community. There are still nine states where it is legal for healthcare professionals to refuse to care for LGBTQ+ patients: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio, South Carolina, and Tennessee. The patients in these states account for an estimated 20% of the entire LGBTQ+ population.

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