Inspirational duo: Boy with terminal condition and puppy tackle 100km challenge for hospice care

03/01/24 at 03:00 AM

Inspirational duo: Boy with terminal condition and puppy tackle 100km challenge for hospice care 
BNN, by Sakchi Khandelwal; 2/29/24 
In Leyland, a heartwarming story unfolds as nine-year-old Jacob, diagnosed with a terminal lung condition and Down's Syndrome, takes on a monumental challenge alongside his cockapoo puppy, Ralph. The pair have committed to walking every day in February, aiming to hit the 100km mark to support Derian House, a hospice providing care for over 400 children with life-limiting conditions in the North West [United Kingdom]. Despite his non-verbal status and health hurdles, Jacob's journey with Ralph underscores the profound companionship and emotional support pets can offer. 

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