Editorial: ‘Right to die’ debate comes to Illinois. Both sides have merit, but we would vote no.
Editorial: ‘Right to die’ debate comes to Illinois. Both sides have merit, but we would vote no.
Chicago Tribune, by The Editorial Board; 3/8/24
Nothing prepared us for what we heard when talking to those on both sides of the rising movement calling for Illinois to join the 10 other states (and the District of Columbia) that allow terminally ill adults to choose when and how they want to end their own lives. ... [Read article for background information] ... We believe that Illinois should not pass this legislation ... We say this believing passionately in the value of palliative and hospice care and fully supporting family members and medical professionals who want to take an individual patient’s wishes into account and not artificially sustain life beyond what is clearly the point of no return. We know that many inspiring people in this field quietly find ways to ease us gently from this world when our time is up.
Editor's Note: For another perspective, see this newsletter's article "The strength it takes to suffer," written by the daughter and wife of J. Randall Curtis, MD, MPH, who was "an intensive care and palliative medicine pioneer whose impact as a researcher, mentor, and humanist was legend long before his death."